Saturday, January 21, 2012

DIY Nursery Project

Perfect study break relaxation technique?? Nursery crafting!!!
Ok, after a long study session at Barnes N' Noble, sipping my favorite-- salted caramel hot chocolate-- and reading up on various Marriage and Family Theories... I decided I needed a break.

What better way to do that than to head to Michael's Craft Store? Lucky me, it happened to be a Michael's Dollar Deal Day! I got 5 pieces of scrapbook paper, originally 59 cents for 20 cents each, 2 sponge brushes, originally a dollar for 7 cents each, and 3 white wooden letters usually 4 dollars each for 3 dollars each. So, that leaves me with a grand total of $10.14 + tax. The only other supply I used to complete this project was Mod Podge which I had left over from my DIY socket covers.

So, here is how the project went:

My new BFF craft supply- Mod Podge
Cut out pieces of various colored scrapbook paper and arranged them on the letters
I recommend taking a picture of it when you have it all laid out, so you remember where to mod podge the pieces.

Once you have it arranged as you would like, start mod podging the paper to the letter .  Then seal it with 2 coats of mod podge on the top. 

VOILA!  Unique nursery letters!

They have plain wooden letter at Babies R' Us for 6.99 + tax each and they are not anywhere near as cute!  

Babies R' Us letters
So, these DIY letters were a good deal -- not to mention super cute and super fun to make!
When the nursery is complete, I will post a picture of them hanging on my nursery wall!  (Did you notice some of the design matches the DIY socket covers I made?-- it's all about the details, people! LOL)

Alright, back to the books... BLAH!
Have a blessed day~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Watch my dog's Youtube debut!

I bought this birthing ball early in my pregnancy.  However, Lucy, my Boston Terrier, uses it more than I do!  You must watch this, it is so funny!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Music for Baby

I played this for the baby today. She was kicking a whole bunch! Hope it is because she liked it and not because the volume was up too loud. I never know just how loud to play it, I mean it has to go through a whole lot to reach her...

I don't play music for the baby as much as I would like to, maybe a few songs a week. I am going to try and be better about it. So far, the songs I play most for her are "Beautiful Things" by Gungor and "Hold Me" By Jamie Grace/ Toby Mac . I also play some Beethoven and Mozart because I heard that it is good for neural tube development. I have played other Christian Contemporary songs like "Oh Praise Him" by DCB , "Hope Now" by Addison Road , & a variety of Christmas songs.

Ok, I have to add this song to my blog, just because it is my favorite at the moment. I did not think any song would take the place of  "How He Loves" By DCB , but I am starting to really like this one more and play it for baby a lot.
Here is "Beautiful Things" by Gungor: PLAY IT LOUD!!

OK, I'm gonna stop procrastinating. I have to study for a MAJOR test that will have a large effect on my career. But, here I am instead-- blogging...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Feelin' Crafty

My first DIY nursery project.  I covered the outlets in the nursery.