Monday, April 2, 2012

Nursery Slideshow

We finally finished the nursery!  Check it out at this link: Nursery Slideshow

Now we are all set, all that is left is the baby!!  No change at my last doctor's appointment.  Addison is still cooking, I guess!

I have a few last minute things to do, like pack my hospital bag, install the car seat, and return a few things. I ordered a Lawn Stork today!

I am so ready for her to be here!  I packed a few outfits for her to wear in the hospital-- that was fun.  I am obsessed with baby girl clothes!  As you can tell by the very full closet in the slide show!  :)

One week till my due date!  I will keep you posted.

Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17


  1. Love you, Kavitha! Baby Addison is blessed to have both of you as her parents, I see there's so much love flowing in your family, what a blessing!

  2. oh cool, this is so exciting. I wish you all the best, so close now. yeah
